Categoría:Alimentación en inglés
Artigos na categoría "Alimentación en inglés"
As seguintes 200 páxinas están nesta categoría, e en total hai 377.
(páxina anterior) (páxina seguinte)A
- bakehouse
- bakery
- banded carpet shell
- barley
- basil
- bay
- bay bolete
- bean
- bergamot
- biscuit
- bitter almond
- blackfin tuna
- blast chiller
- blended coffee
- bluefin
- bluefin tuna
- bog bilberry
- boletus of the steppes
- boning knife
- borage
- bran bread
- bread
- bread knife
- breadcrumbs
- breadknife
- broad bean
- broth
- Brussels sprout
- butter
- cabbage
- camomile
- cane sugar
- canned
- caramelise
- caramelize
- carbonated wine
- cardamom
- carrot
- carving knife
- casseroled
- cauliflower
- celery
- champagne
- charcoal-grilled
- chard
- chargrilled
- cheese
- cheese knife
- cherimoya
- cherry
- cherry brandy
- chervil
- chickpea
- chicory
- Chinese noodle
- chop
- chowder
- cider
- cider brandy
- cider spirit
- cinnamon
- citron
- clam
- clam chowder
- coalfish
- cockle
- coconut oil
- cod
- codfish
- cole
- common corn salad
- compound brandy
- condensed milk
- continental breakfast
- cook
- corer
- coriander
- corkwing wrasse
- corn flour
- corn oil
- corn salad
- cornflour
- cornmeal
- cornsalad
- cornstarch
- cos lettuce
- cottonseed oil
- courgette
- cow parsnip
- cucumber
- curled lettuce
- currant
- cuttlefish
- faba bean
- fava bean
- fennel
- field bean
- field salad
- filleting knife
- first course
- fish fillet
- fish knife
- fish-knife
- fivebeard rockling
- flavored yogurt
- flavoured yogurt
- flour
- food
- fortified flour
- French horn mushroom
- frigate mackerel
- frigate tuna
- frog legs
- fruit brandy
- fruit salad
- fruit spirit
- fruitarianism